A Great Adventure

~~ Luke 15: 24 (NIV84) ~~ For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.

Casey. Photo property of Carla Cooper. All copyrights claimed
Photo by Carley

The phone rang and I answered it.  A voice from City Hall said “Is this the owner of Casey?”.  

“Yes”, I said.

“Are you missing him?”

The question threw me.  “What do you mean by ‘missing him’?” I asked.

“Well, someone found him and they gave us his dog license tag number.”

I instantly felt numb.  My heart stopped and dropped to the bottom of my stomach, at the thought that my baby wasn’t where he should be.  The voice said, “I can give you the contact information to call the lady who has him”.  

I wrote down the information, called the phone number and went to rescue my baby without a moment’s hesitation.  It could have been half way to the moon, and I would have moved the planet to one side if it was necessary in order to get him back.  I got to the address and he was on the porch of the home with a guy that looked to be in his late teens or early 20’s.  He was tall, skinny with dark hair; wearing jeans, a tan color jacket and a blue ball cap.  Casey was having a great time with him.  My baby is old, for a shih-tzu.  He is 12 now, with almost no vision left, not many teeth, a heart murmur; and a few extra pounds.  Little Casey had no idea that he was in a situation that could have been bad.  It turns out that Casey learned a new trick from the cat.  Kitty has taught him to jump through the hole in the screen door.  So Casey got out, and went on an adventure... alone!

When we go off into the world alone, without God; this is how He feels.  He longs for us to come home and He’s willing to do whatever it takes to get our attention to lead us back to Him.  He doesn’t want us getting into ugly situations alone.  If He’s not there, than we will end up in a situation where we will never get to go home again.  Just because we are having fun, feeling happy, do not know we are lost, or we do not see any danger; does not make it so.  Without God next to our side with each and every step of our lives we are not where we are supposed to be and we are in danger.  

Thankfully Casey did not go far.  He went only a few houses away.  I was thankful for that.  Later, I also found myself actually feeling thankful for the annual expense of a dog license!  It is good to see the system working.  There is no price too big for me to pay for the privilege of getting my doggie back.  

God feels the same way about us.  He paid the ultimate price of sacrificing His Son, Jesus, in order to save us.  There is no greater price or love than that.

When I took Casey home, I told him “No more adventures... at least until after Christmas!”  

~~Dear God ~~ Thank You for never giving up on me when I run away or get lost.  Please do not ever let me go on an adventure without You.  In Jesus name, AMEN.

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