~~ John5:8 (NIV) ~~ Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your
mat and walk.”

Did you
notice that all these programs require some sort of easy action on our
parts? Shopping ‘Dollars’, Gas Points,
Air Miles; whatever the program there are free goods that come with the
rewards. Or are they... free, that
is? Don’t forget that we have to hand
out our hard earned dollars to get those prizes.
Rewards are Never Free
I was at
my regular Thursday night bible study when the pastor told us a story about a
man he knew who prayed for God to not let him get drunk anymore. The problem was he kept on going to the bar
and drinking; because he liked it. This
man didn’t want to put in his share of the work to get the results he claimed
he wanted.
Then, I
read an article by my friend, and author, Brenda Wood called Instructions from A to C, which said:
I often wonder about this verse. Jesus said to him, Get up! Pick up your bed (sleeping pad) and walk! (John 5:8, AMP) This guy just doesn’t get it! Jesus has to tell him to (a) get up, (b) pick up his bed and (c) to walk.
Let’s ask ourselves this question today. Am I waiting for direction, even when I know what I am supposed to do? In case you forgot… (a) get up, (b) pick up your bed and (c) walk.
"Eighty percent of success is showing up."--Woody Allen
God Wants to Bless You
I realized
I have been doing the same thing. I’ve
wanted blessings from God without doing my part. I want a husband, money, and other
things. I’ve gained back some of the
weight I lost in the last year or so. I
want to lose weight again, and didn’t want to get back into the SparkPeople healthy living program. I
even tried Green Coffee diet pills (the latest fad)! As I should have expected, they didn’t
work. If I want the benefits, I have to
do the work! Getting back into healthy
eating and exercise is what it takes if I want to be thin and healthy. God wants to bless us, but we have to do our
part. He gave us free will for a
reason. He can hand us blessings but we
have to want to reach out and take them.
He won’t clobber you over the head and make you take His gifts. Jesus died for our sins, but unless you decide
you believe it and want the gift, it won’t do you any good. I couldn’t help but wonder... where else in
my life have I wanted to reap the rewards without putting in my share of the
Let’s Pray
~~ Dear God ~~ You are so loving and
giving. So often I forget how loving You
are. Thank You for all the blessings
that You have given me, and have in store for me. Please help me to remember that I have to do
my share of the work, and reach out to You with a loving heart if I want the
rewards. In Jesus name, AMEN.
Now It’s Your Turn
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